Soil Symposium Program Schedule

Cultivate Oregon Presents: 

Enabling Regenerative Agriculture: Getting Paid For Improving Soil Health

The symposium was scheduled as a two-day virtual Zoom event on Nov. 10th, and 17th, 2020. View the video recap here.


DAY 1 

November 10

 Part I.

10 min


Welcome/Introduction and acknowledging supporters/partners

Dr. Ray Seidler
Retired US EPA Senior research scientist

Chirstophe Jospe
Chief Development Officer, co-founder Nori corporation 

15 min


"Putting Science into Action"

Dr. Rattan Lal, Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science, winner 2019 Japan Prize; winner 2020 World Food Prize.
Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center
Ohio State University

The "Profit of Soil
“476 Gt of carbon has been emitted from farmland soils due to inappropriate farming and grazing practices, compared with 270 Gt emitted from over 150 years of burning of fossil fuels. Considering soil now contains 476 Gt LESS CO2, something has to absorb 476 Gt to balance the books on the planet. The only something available are ocean and soil... and the oceans are pretty full - so only soil can do the job.”

40 min


"The positive interface between two major forces: Global Warming and Agriculture

Dr. Alan Journet
Professor Emeritus
Biology & Environmental Science
Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO
Co-facilitator, Southern Oregon Climate Action Now

“Healthy soils & food production”

Rhianna Simes, M.S.Ed
Co-Director, Cultivate Oregon
Oregon State University Cooperative Extension Service, retired.

10 min


 Part II.

60 min


"Unlocking the Secrets to Soil Health Delivery: Current and future options."

A Round Table discussion to compare and contrast what has and is happening in Washington, Oregon, California, and USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service levels.  15 minute overview presentation from each panel member followed by a Q&A session after all present.

Cory Owens
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service; Oregon State Soil Scientist 

Becca Lucas
Communications and Operations Coordinator at California Climate and Agriculture Network (CalCAN)

Leslie Michel
Soil scientist
Washington State Soil Health Program
Washington State Department of Agriculture 

Stephanie Page
Director Natural Resources and Pesticide Program; Oregon Department of Agriculture

10 min



November 17

 Part III.

20 min


“Enabling regenerative farming practices; the opportunities and challenges of current incentive programs”

Aldyen Donnelly
Director of Carbon Economics Nori Corporation

5 min



 Part IV. Accomplishments and where to go from here? 







30 min


”The Australian Carbon Sequestration Standards”

Louisa Kiely
Director, Carbon Farmers of Australia

Ms Kiely developed carbon farming projects under the Australian Emissions Reduction Program and manages about ½ million acres under the carbon farming incentive practices program. 

15 min

“Measuring soil carbon and Off-set carbon programs: rules, and access”

Dr. Thakur Bhattarai
Senior Scientist Carbon Link Australia.

Dr. Bhattarai is a member of the technical working group, Australian Government, carbon farming methodologies

20 min


  • Recommendations, goals, how to access assistance, general questions.  
  • Carbon off-set corporation NORI, and all.
  • Access to further information, brochure, contacts, follow-ups.