Our Winter 2018 Newsletter is Here!
Our Winter Newsletter is here! -- If you're not on our mailing list yet, you can sign up here to start receiving our quarterly newsletter.
Date: 02/04/2018
Subject: Cultivate Oregon 2018 Winter Newsletter
Hello friends!Our Winter 2018 Newsletter is finally here. We've got a few updates for you about what we've been up to, as well has information on upcoming events.
Cultivate Oregon spent the fall creating a new website and it is now live. Many thanks to the hard work of our Media Director, Laura Jean; our web designers—Code Nation; Naomi Binzen for sharing her gorgeous photos; and a special donor who made the project possible. Photo below.
We are also excited to announce that after a couple of false starts we are finally hosting a screening of Taggart Siegel’s SEED: The Untold Story in conjunction with Portland's KBOO, Bee Friendly Portland, and The Pollinator Project. Join us for the show on March 8th, 7-9pm at the Clinton Theater, 2522 SE Clinton St, Portland, OR 97202. Suggested donation of $10 but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. There will be conversation afterwards with Film Director Taggart Siegel and folks from the Pollinator Collective and Cultivate Oregon, so stick around.
DINA Magazine said of SEED that it is: “Ambitious...a triumph...enhanced by a diversity that mirrors the film’s central message: that maintaining diversity in our seed stocks is crucial to our survival. This special film brings a revival of consciousness around seeds.” Learn more at Seed the Movie.
We hope to see you there! Please RSVP on our website, or on Facebook, and invite your friends.
Like gardeners all over the world, a favorite winter pastime is leafing through seed catalogs dreaming of our next garden. Join us for another Cultivate Oregon seed swap on March 24th. More details will be posted on the website soon.
The future of the regenerative agriculture movement is healthy soil. Our friends in Southern Oregon, Our Family Farms, are hosting an incredible six-part series called The Future of Soil. You can sign up for all six sessions or one of more. The series launch is this Sunday, February 4th from 6 to 8pm at the Talent Community Center, 104 E. Main Street, Talent, Oregon. Register and learn more at Our Family Farms.
Cultivate Oregon's non-profit fiscal sponsor, Earth Island Institute, appeared in the #1 spot on People Magazine's "25 Ways to Give Back to Give Others A Better Tomorrow" list! We’re thrilled to see all of the 70+ environmental and social justice-minded Earth Island projects getting a national shout-out! Earth Island also received impeccable ratings from all of the major charity rating agencies. Consider making a donation! Photo below.
Cultivate Oregon enjoyed meeting more Portland non-profit leaders at NAO's (Nonprofit Association of Oregon) workshop "Building a Board that Works" in December. Trainer Andy Robinson did a fantastic job of laying out the process for cultivating a board that can help nonprofits thrive. If you do nonprofit work in Oregon, consider joining and using NAO’s resources.
Our new website.
March 8th showing of Seed: The Untold Story
Earth Island Instutite appeared in #1 spot on People's Magazine's "25 Ways to Give Back to Give Others a Better Tomorrw" List!
We're looking to build our team and reconnect with more of our old friends from the Yes on 92 campaign; the Jackson and Josephine County campaigns to ban the cultivation of GE crops; and the Community Rights Benton Food Freedom campaign. If you're interested in helping write stories, conduct interviews, network, fundraise, and other fun projects to help build local seed and food system resiliency get in touch with us on our contact page, or email us at [email protected]. Please also take a moment to invite your friends to join us online and sign up for this quarterly newsletter.
Here's to the new year and to our precious soil and seeds!
- Cultivate Oregon Team