Local Oregon Seed Sources - 2019
Please send us updates! Being as there are numerous small farms in Oregon that offer seeds and bulbs, we’re sure we’ve overlooked some of them. If you have a farm, or know of a farm that offers seeds of this variety that should be listed as a resource, please contact us! And let us know of any corrections.
We're a small group of volunteers working to create a robust local food system and part of that process has been to update this chart annually to help support Oregon farmers and seed breeders, as well as the environment, pollinators, biodiversity, and the nutritious food that flows from this nexus.
Speaking of volunteers—we're always looking for more! If you'd like to submit stories, interview local farmers, fundraise, create educational resources, table, or anything else that you are good at, please sign up to volunteer or contact us.
In full disclosure, Chris Hardy of Hardy Seeds is on our Steering Committee. However, Hardy Seeds and the other seed companies are listed not out of any sort of transactional affiliation with Cultivate Oregon, but because we want to promote them as a resource for people who want to support non-GMO and organic local seed stocks.
Here's the list:
Nichols Garden Nursery (Albany, Oregon) www.nicholsgardennursery.com
Wild West Seed (Albany, OR) www.wildwestseed.com
The Thyme Garden (Alsea, OR) www.thymegarden.com
Hardy Seeds (Ashland, OR) www.growhardyseeds.com
Peace Seedlings (Corvallis, OR) peaceseedlingsseeds.blogspot.com, www.peaceseedslive.com
Folly Farm (Cove, OR) follyfarmoregon.com
Territorial Seed Company (Cottage Grove, OR) www.territorialseed.com
Log House Plants (Cottage Grove, OR) loghouseplants.com/plants
Victory Seed Company (Molalla, Oregon) www.victoryseeds.com
Eloheh Farm (Newberg, OR) www.elohehfarm.com
Wild Garden Seed (Philomath, OR) www.wildgardenseed.com
Portland Seedhouse (Portland, OR) www.portlandseedhouse.com
Pro Time Lawn Seed (Portland, OR) ptlawnseed.com
Adaptive Seeds (Sweet Home, OR) www.adaptiveseeds.com
Restoration Seeds (Talent, OR) www.restorationseeds.com
Green Journey Seeds (Veneta, OR) www.greenjourneyseeds.tumblr.com
Goodwin Creek Gardens (Williams, OR) www.goodwincreekgardens.com
Siskiyou Seeds (Williams, OR) www.siskiyouseeds.com
Strictly Medicinal Seeds (Williams, OR) www.strictlymedicinalseeds.com